Learn to Meditate
“Even though you may be able to do everything else but meditate, you will never find joy to equal that which comes
when the thoughts are silent and your mind is tuned to the peace of God.”
-Paramahansa Yogananda, Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons
when the thoughts are silent and your mind is tuned to the peace of God.”
-Paramahansa Yogananda, Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons
Self-Realization Fellowship offers, home-study Lessons: Paramahansa Yogananda's personal instructions on how to practice the science of Kriya Yoga meditation, taken from the classes he gave for more than thirty years. Applications for the Lessons can be filled out and submitted online here, or picked up in our Bookroom. If you have not yet enrolled for the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons, you will find some initial instructions on how to meditate on SRF's main site, which you can use right away to begin experiencing the benefits that meditation brings. Additionally, SRF's main site has guided meditations lead by an SRF monastic and a description of the numerous benefits of meditation.
You are welcome to join us at one of the regularly scheduled Group Meditations we hold here at Hollywood Temple. View a schedule of Services.
You are welcome to join us at one of the regularly scheduled Group Meditations we hold here at Hollywood Temple. View a schedule of Services.
Meditation Techniques Offered to Followers of All Religions
Since Yoga is based on practice and experience rather than on adherence to a particular set of beliefs, followers of all religions can benefit from the spiritual teachings in the SRF Lessons and the three basic techniques of meditation. When practiced regularly, these methods lead unfailingly to deeper levels of spiritual awareness and perception.
Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons
The Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons are unique among Paramahansa Yogananda’s published writings in that they give his step-by-step instructions in the yoga techniques of meditation, concentration, and energization that he taught, including Kriya Yoga.
The goal of these simple yet highly effective yoga techniques is to teach you to deal directly with energy and consciousness enabling you to recharge your body with energy, to awaken the mind's unlimited power, and to experience a deepening awareness of the Divine in your life. The Lessons were compiled under Paramahansa Yogananda’s direction from his writings and the many classes and lectures he gave. In addition to his comprehensive instructions in meditation, the Lessons offer practical guidance for every aspect of spiritual living — how to live joyfully and successfully amidst the unceasing challenges and opportunities in this world of change. |
Kriya Yoga

Kriya is an advanced Raja Yoga technique of pranayama (life-energy control). After a preliminary period of study and practice of the basic techniques, Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons students are eligible to apply for initiation in Kriya Yoga. At this time they formally establish the sacred guru-disciple relationship with Paramahansa Yogananda and his lineage of gurus.
The technique of Kriya Yoga is given in person at special initiation ceremonies, as well as sent to each initiate in a special series of printed lessons that cover every aspect of the Kriya science.
To listen to an audio recording of Paramahansaji's own words on meditation and Kriya Yoga click here.
The technique of Kriya Yoga is given in person at special initiation ceremonies, as well as sent to each initiate in a special series of printed lessons that cover every aspect of the Kriya science.
To listen to an audio recording of Paramahansaji's own words on meditation and Kriya Yoga click here.
Healing Technique Taught by Paramahansa Yogananda

A healing prayer service is conducted every week in Self-Realization Fellowship temples, centers, and meditation groups worldwide. It makes use of the two fundamental aspects of scientific prayer: thought and energy. First, thoughts of perfection and attunement with God’s help are broadcast to all in need. Then, through performance of the technique taught by Paramahansa Yogananda, healing energy is sent forth to those in need of help.
For instructions on how to practice Paramahansa Yogananda's Healing Prayer Technique, click here.
For instructions on how to practice Paramahansa Yogananda's Healing Prayer Technique, click here.